4 Ways To Keep Yourself Motivated Doing Martial Arts

Practicing martial arts all the time can be really fun, but it can also feel a little monotonous and routine after a while. If you aren’t paying attention, it’s easy to get bored of doing the same things all the time. This is why keeping yourself motivated is so important. Martial arts are fun and exhilarating when you’re doing it because your body feels so alive with energy and excitement! However, this same quality can become a double-edged sword if you aren’t careful. The truth to face is that when you do martial arts all the time, it begins to lose its luster and appeal. As much as we might want to avoid it, we need to keep ourselves challenged and stimulated to keep things fresh and new. If you don’t challenge yourself from time to time, your motivation will begin to diminish naturally as well. Here are 4 ways that you can keep yourself motivated while practicing martial arts: 

1. Go To Competitions

One of the best ways to stay motivated to play sports is to enter competitive events your school is participating in. Whether you’re a competitive athlete or not, the adrenaline and excitement of competing in front of a crowd can really get your juices flowing. If you don’t want to compete or can’t, you can still get involved by supporting your classmates that are competing. This will help you stay engaged and keep your energy up. For example, you could spar with your classmates to get them ready. Another idea is to go to the event and cheer for them.

2. Try Something New

One of the best ways to stay motivated in martial arts is to change your routine and try something new. You might try a new strategy or tactic when sparring, a new technique, or even a new workout. If your school offers different styles of martial arts, you should try them. For ex. if your BJJ school offers Muay Thai or your Karate school offers Filipino Martial Arts, take some of those classes for a change. Not only will this challenge your mind and body, but it will also force you to learn something brand new and enjoyable. You may even find that the new thing you learned can help you with the main style you practice. Or that the new strategy, techniques, or workout you try becomes part of your routine. A new challenge can be just what you need to get your energy back and your spark back.

3. Plan Challenges For Yourself

One of the best ways to keep yourself motivated in martial arts is to plan challenges for yourself. It could be as simple as setting a personal goal that is measurable. Whatever it is, it should improve you in martial arts. For example, you could challenge yourself to throw “__” number of punches in 1 minute, perform with a technique with your non-dominant hand or side, or to do a full open leg stretch within 2 months. To do this, it’s useful to know data about your training and to get feedback from your instructors and yourself.  Whatever your challenge, plan it and work towards it each day. This could be the most challenging thing that you do all day, and it will force you to pay attention to what you’re doing and how your body feels. If you can stick to it, you’ll start to notice a difference.

4. Change Your Environment

One of the best ways to keep yourself motivated is to briefly change your environment. This doesn’t mean that you need to quit doing martial arts. However, you might be burnt out and need to recalibrate with fresh new scenery. You could take 2 weeks off and go on vacation or try a different sport. If your instructor is cool with it, you can train or spar in a different school. Changing your environment will provide you with new stimulus. It can be relaxing, if you’re on vacation, for example, or it can be exciting, say, if you’re visiting another school. Either way, your body and your brain will appreciate the change of pace. And you can find new motivation to fuel your martial arts training. 


Martial arts are one of the best things that you can do for your mind and body. It is proven that people that train in martial arts are more likely to remain healthy, happy, and level-headed. But even great things can become boring or monotonous after a while. So when you’re losing that motivation, keep that flame up by doing these tips.


These tips are part of the Master Your Moves (MYM) Method, a system of learning based on neuroscience, sports psychology, and practical experience to help you be the best performer in martial arts. Designed for beginners and applicable to all martial arts from Boxing, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Judo, Muay Thai, MMA, Karate, Taekwondo, Jeet Kune Do, Wrestling, and more! To learn more about the MYM Method, go here. To get the latest news and updates on MYM content, products, and events, subscribe here. Get these useful tips and spread the word.

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Until next time, Make Moves or Meditate ~ Danny Indio M.B. 🥷🏽✌🏽

Danny Indio M.B.

Danny Jiminian aka Danny Indio M.B. is a certified Jeet Kune Do instructor[1] and the author of Mixed Martial Arts Fighting Techniques. For over 20 years, he has trained under many instructors in the arts of Jeet Kune Do, Muay Thai, Savate, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Filipino Martial Arts, Silat, and Western Boxing. During his time in the United States Marine Corps, Danny was an official instructor in the MCMAP aka the Marine Corps Martial Arts Program. He also competed in many boxing matches, grappling tournaments, and stick fighting competitions. He credits his success in learning and fighting to the specialized notebooks he crafted and the learning methods he used over the years. He is also a filmmaker and lawyer.

[1] Under Dan Anderson and Paul Vunak


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